launches applications from one or more dependencies.
$ cs launch org.scalameta::scalafmt-cli:2.4.2 -- --help
scalafmt 2.4.2
Usage: scalafmt [options] [<file>...]
-h, --help prints this usage text
-v, --version print version
Pass arguments to the launched program, by adding --
after the coursier
arguments, like
$ coursier launch org.scalameta::scalafmt-cli:2.4.2 -- --version
Main class
If the dependencies don't specify a default main class via
their manifest, or if the heuristics of the launch
command fails to pick the
right manifest, you can specify a main class via
or --main-class
, like
$ cs launch com.lihaoyi:ammonite_2.13.1:2.0.4 -M ammonite.Main
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.0.4 (Scala 2.13.1 Java 1.8.0_121)
If a dependency is published by sbt, and contains only one main
class, the main class should have been automatically added to the manifest.
If it contains several main classes, setting
in sbt is required for it to be set in the manifest.
In case several of the loaded JARs have manifests with main classes, the
command applies an heuristic to try to find the "main" one.
If the heuristic to find the main class fails, pass -v -v
to launch
get more details:
$ cs launch com.geirsson:scalafmt-cli_2.12:1.5.1 -r bintray:scalameta/maven -v -v -- --version
Found main classes:
com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGServer (vendor: , title: )
org.scalafmt.cli.Cli (vendor: com.geirsson, title: cli)
This prints the main classes of all manifests found, among other things. If you think
one of them is the right one, just pass it via -M
to launch
Java options
With the native coursier launcher, you can pass options to the JVM that
starts with -J
or --java-opt
, like
$ cs launch -J -Dfoo=bar -J -Xmx2g ammonite
Welcome to the Ammonite Repl 2.0.4 (Scala 2.13.1 Java 1.8.0_121)
@ sys.props("foo")
res0: String = "bar"