This page describes the new high level API of coursier, being added since
. It's still subject to source / binary compatibility breakages, even though its general outline shouldn't change much. See low level API for the former API, less subject to change.
The high level API of coursier aims at being as simple to use as its CLI, with sensible defaults in particular, while retaining the purity of the low-level API.
It exposes a few objects under the coursier
namespace, most notably
and coursier.Fetch
, allowing to resolve dependencies
and fetch their artifacts.
allows to run resolutions, that is
finding all the transitive dependencies of some initial dependencies (while
reconciling their versions at the same time).
This entirely relies on metadata, that is POM or maven-metadata.xml
for Maven repositories, and ivy.xml
files for Ivy repositories.
If you're fine with all the defaults (cache location, resolution parameters, …), you can just resolve some dependencies with
import coursier._
val resolution = Resolve()
This runs the resolution synchronously.
To run resolutions in the background, the future
methods can be called instead of run
, to start resolution
eagerly via scala.concurrent.Future
, or lazily via an IO monad.
is a coursier.core.Resolution
, which represents the
(final) state of the resolution. It has various methods allowing to
process dependencies, most notably minDependencies
, returning a
set of dependencies (with redundant dependencies stripped).
The object returned by Resolve()
allows to optionally change a number of
parameters, discussed below.
Pass some extra dependencies with addDependencies
. addDependencies
accepts multiple dependencies, and can be called several times. If you prefer,
you can also call withDependencies
, that accepts a Seq[Dependency]
, and
wipes any previously passed dependency.
import coursier._
val resolution = Resolve()
The default repositories are the Ivy2 local repository (only on the JVM)
and Maven Central. More details
here. One can add some extra repositories
with addRepositories
, that accepts multiple arguments, and can be called
several times. Optionally, one can call withRepositories
to set all the
repositories at once, wiping the default ones and any previously passed one.
import coursier._
val resolution = Resolve()
One can override the default cache, and adjust its parameters, with
import coursier._
import coursier.cache._
import coursier.cache.loggers._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val pool = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3)
val cache = FileCache()
val resolution = Resolve()
Resolution parameters
A number of resolution parameters can be adjusted by passing a custom
to withResolutionParameters
import coursier._
import coursier.params._
import coursier.params.rule._
val params = ResolutionParams()
mod"joda-time:joda-time" -> "2.10.1"
val resolution = Resolve()
If you prefer to eagerly run resolutions in the background via a Future
call future
instead of run
, like
import coursier._
val futureResolution = Resolve()
If you prefer resolutions to be run lazily in the background via an IO monad,
call io
instead of run
or future
, like
import coursier._
val ioResolution = Resolve()
The default IO monad is the rather basic coursier.util.Task
, that ships with
coursier. This monad can be changed by changing the cache upfront, like
import coursier._
import coursier.cache._
import coursier.interop.cats._
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.global)
val cache = FileCache[IO]()
val ioResolution = Resolve(cache) // note the cache passed here
Note that this example requires the coursier-cats-interop
resolves dependencies, then fetches their artifacts.
Use it like
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
// files: Seq[java.io.File]
One can
with the same methods as coursier.Resolve
Call addClassifiers
to adjust the classifiers you're interested in, like
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
.addClassifiers(Classifier.javadoc, Classifier.sources)
To keep default artifacts while also fetching classifiers, call
, like
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
.addClassifiers(Classifier.javadoc, Classifier.sources)
Artifact types
If you know what you're doing and want to fetch all or some specific artifact
types, call allArtifactTypes
or addArtifactType
, like
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
import coursier._
val files = Fetch()
.addArtifactTypes(Type.pom, Type.testJar)
If none of these methods are called, artifact types are automatically adjusted depending on classifiers.
Like for Resolve
, fetching can be (eagerly) run in the background
by calling future
rather than run
, like
import coursier._
val futureFiles = Fetch()
Like for Resolve
, fetching can be (lazily) run in the background
by calling io
rather than run
, like
import coursier._
val ioFiles = Fetch()
Here too, the default IO monad is coursier.util.Task
that ships with coursier.
One can use another IO monad by adjusting the cache upfront, like
import coursier._
import coursier.cache._
import coursier.interop.cats._
import cats.effect.IO
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContext.global)
val cache = FileCache[IO]()
val ioFiles = Fetch(cache) // note the cache passed here
Note that this example requires the coursier-cats-interop