Low-level API
This page is a direct import of sections of the former README of coursier, and is possibly not up-to-date. The use of mdoc ensures the code snippets below compile fine with the latest version though.
Add to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.get-coursier" %% "coursier-core" % "2.1.25-M4",
"io.get-coursier" %% "coursier-cache" % "2.1.25-M4"
The first module, "io.get-coursier" %% "coursier-core" % "2.1.25-M4"
, contains among others,
mainly in Definitions.scala
, representing a particular state of the resolution,
and ResolutionProcess
that expects to be given metadata, wrapped in any Monad
, then feeds these to Resolution
, and at the end gives
you the final Resolution
, wrapped in the same Monad
it was given input. This final Resolution
has all the dependencies,
including the transitive ones.
The second module, "io.get-coursier" %% "coursier-cache" % "2.1.25-M4"
, is precisely in charge of fetching
these input metadata. It uses its own coursier.util.Task
as a Monad
to wrap them. It also fetches artifacts (JARs, etc.).
It caches all of these (metadata and artifacts) on disk, and validates checksums too.
In the code below, we'll assume some imports are around,
import coursier._
import coursier.version.{Version, VersionConstraint}
Resolving dependencies involves create an initial resolution state, with all the initial dependencies in it, like
val start = Resolution(
Module(org"org.typelevel", name"cats-core_2.11"), VersionConstraint("0.6.0")
Module(org"org.scalaz", name"scalaz-core_2.11"), VersionConstraint("7.2.3")
It goes without saying that a Resolution
is immutable, as are all the classes defined in the core module.
The resolution process will go on by giving successive Resolution
s, until the final one.
above is only the initial state - it is far from over, as the isDone
method on it tells,
// res0: Boolean = false
In order for the resolution to go on, we'll need things from a few repositories,
val repositories = Seq(
The first one, Cache.ivy2Local
, is defined in coursier.Cache
, itself from the coursier-cache
module that
we added above. It is an IvyRepository
, picking things under ~/.ivy2/local
. An IvyRepository
is related to the Ivy build tool. This kind of repository involves a so-called pattern, with
various properties. These are not of very common use in Scala, although sbt uses them a bit.
The second repository is a MavenRepository
. These are simpler than the Ivy repositories. They're the ones
we're the most used to in Scala. Common ones like Central like here, or the repositories
from Sonatype, are Maven repositories. These originate
from the Maven build tool. Unlike the Ivy repositories which involve customisable patterns to point
to the underlying metadata and artifacts, the paths of these for Maven repositories all look alike,
like for any particular version of the standard library, under paths like
this one.
Both IvyRepository
and MavenRepository
are case classes, so that it's straightforward to specify one's own
To set credentials for a MavenRepository
or IvyRepository
, set their authentication
field, like
import coursier.core.Authentication
authentication = Some(Authentication("user", "pass"))
Now that we have repositories, we're going to mix these with things from the coursier-cache
for resolution to happen via the cache. We'll create a function
of type Seq[(Module, String)] => F[Seq[((Module, String), Either[Seq[String], (Artifact.Source, Project)])]]
Given a sequence of dependencies, designated by their Module
(organisation and name in most cases)
and version (just a String
), it gives either errors (Seq[String]
) or metadata ((Artifact.Source, Project)
wrapping the whole in a monad F
import coursier.cache.Cache
val fetch = ResolutionProcess.fetch0(repositories, Cache.default.fetch)
The monad used by Fetch.from
is coursier.util.Task
, but the resolution process is not tied to a particular
monad - any stack-safe monad would do.
With this fetch
method, we can now go on with the resolution. Calling process
on start
above gives a
that drives the resolution. It is loosely inspired by the Process
of fs2 (formerly scalaz-stream).
It is an immutable structure, that represents the various states the resolution process can be in.
Its method current
gives the current Resolution
. Calling isDone
on the latter says whether the
resolution is done or not.
The next
method, that expects a fetch
method like the one above, gives
the "next" state of the resolution process, wrapped in the monad of the fetch
method. It allows to do
one resolution step.
Lastly, the run
method runs the whole resolution until its end. It expects a fetch
method too,
and will make at most maxIterations
steps (50 by default), and return the "final" resolution state,
wrapped in the monad of fetch
. One should check that the Resolution
it returns is done (isDone
) -
the contrary means that maxIterations
were reached, likely signaling an issue, unless the underlying
resolution is particularly complex, in which case maxIterations
could be increased.
Let's run the whole resolution,
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val resolution = start.process.run0(fetch).unsafeRun()
To get additional feedback during the resolution, we can give the Cache.fetch
method above
a Cache.Logger
By default, downloads happen in a global fixed thread pool (with 6 threads, allowing for 6 parallel downloads), but
you can supply your own thread pool to Cache.fetch
Now that the resolution is done, we can check for errors in
val errors: Seq[((Module, VersionConstraint), Seq[String])] = resolution.errors0
These would mean that the resolution wasn't able to get metadata about some dependencies.
We can also check for version conflicts, in
val conflicts: Set[Dependency] = resolution.conflicts
which are dependencies whose versions could not be unified.
Then, if all went well, we can fetch and get local copies of the artifacts themselves (the JARs) with
import java.io.File
import coursier.cache.{ArtifactError, Cache}
import coursier.util.{Gather, Task}
val localArtifacts: Seq[Either[ArtifactError, File]] =
We're using the Cache.file
method, that can also be given a Logger
(for more feedback) and a custom thread pool.